Bounce Into The Best Shape of Your Life With Fit Boots

Losing weight is FUN
Said No One Ever

Exercising Should be Enjoyable, Not MISERABLE!

Nobody likes workouts that take hours and still leave you feeling blah…

 There should be a way to get a real good workout you actually enjoy…

Well… there is!

Lose Weight, Get Toned and HAVE FUN!

Meet Fit Boots – the workout that makes you grin, not groan

Break up your payments over 6 weeks

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If you feel:

happy girl git boots

You'll Love Fit Boots!

It’s Quick

Just 20 minutes of jumping fun, 3-4 times a week, and you’re on your way to a sexy you!

It’s Fun

You’ll bounce and laugh into the best shape of your life!

It’s a Calorie-Burning Machine

With Fit Boots you burn up to 25% more calories compared to other workouts. Jump, burn, repeat!

It’s Time to Kiss goodbye to CELLULITE

Jumping speeds up your lymphatic system, detoxifies your body, and helps to get rid of cellulite!

It’s a Full-Body Workout

Every cell in your body gets a workout when jumping – it's like a trampoline party but no limits!

See Results FAST

Usually you will see results in short 2-3 weeks so you stay motivated to keep jumping!

rachel denielle

Prior to entering the rebounding fitness industry, I was quite overweight, unhappy, and struggling with anxiety. As a busy mom of three, I never thought I would have the time or energy to incorporate fitness into my life. I continued to feel unhappy in my skin, avoiding mirrors and my reflection, convincing myself that this was just the way it was and that I would never be that fit person.

Then, I watched a friend start her rebounding journey. Naturally, I was intrigued but also terrified that I would never be able to do it myself. So, I sat on the sidelines, watching and cheering, until one day, I told myself to just try. What was the worst that could happen?

Fast forward to Christmas, the only thing I asked for was a pair of boots. Well, I never looked back after that. It was so fun that no matter how busy my day was—and I work in the construction field—I would make the time to bounce. My mood improved, I became happier, my anxiety reduced significantly, and I didn’t feel like I was struggling anymore. I was able to keep up with my kids and my work, and the weight was coming off.

Rebounding never felt like a workout; it was always something I looked forward to and still do! Three years later, I have lost a total of 75 pounds and have been welcomed into an amazing community of like-minded individuals who have the most positive outlook and are always cheering everyone on. The encouragement and support from my coach and mentor, Alicia Marrett, gave me the courage to get my certification to teach.

Rebounding has become a passion for me, just a way of life. If anyone is sitting on the fence thinking about taking that leap, just jump. 😉 The only thing you’ll regret is not doing it sooner.


Where do I start? I am beyond grateful. Physically, rebounding has transformed my body composition. I've lost and maintained 85 lbs and shed 7, 8, and 5 inches off various parts of my body. One of my biggest insecurities was my big arms. It was always a dream of mine to lose weight and undergo surgery. After losing 5.5 inches off each arm—11 inches in total—I finally got to have the surgery and can now see my hard work in lifting shine through.

Most importantly, rebounding has been a tool to change my mental and emotional well-being. Nothing can heal hurt like God can, but rebounding was a tool given toward the change! It connected my body and emotions, boosted my confidence in my abilities, and helped me embrace myself. This journey has ignited my desire to teach and share the love through rebounding, spreading humble confidence by setting an example with unique, authentic ways that may not look like everyone else’s.

I want to encourage those who have been through the fire and cut down to rise above. When I started on my own, I was a bit self-conscious, constantly looking around to see if anyone was watching me. But now, I have a God-given fearlessness and a purpose for what I’ve been through: to ensure no one else has to struggle on their own. You can do it! Find the tools you are passionate about and surround yourself with the right people who will support and push you. Spread love and body positivity while becoming the healthiest version of yourself inside and out. YOU GOT THIS!

From myself and all the ladies connected to my THICKfit - Bounce and Fitness business, we are cheering for you all and excited to see where this road with hard work leads.


weight loss

Month 1: When I started my weight loss journey with Fit Boots, I was excited but also a bit nervous. I had tried various fitness programs before with minimal success. However, after just one month, I could already feel a difference. The high-intensity workouts were challenging but fun, and the meal plans were easy to follow. By the end of the month, I had lost 5 pounds and felt more energized than ever.

Month 2: As I entered the second month, I noticed my endurance was improving. The Fit Boots community was incredibly supportive, which kept me motivated to push through the tougher days. I started noticing significant changes in my body—my clothes fit better, and I felt stronger. By the end of month two, I had lost another 8 pounds, bringing my total to 13 pounds down.

Month 3: By the third month, Fit Boots had become a routine part of my life. I no longer dreaded working out; in fact, I looked forward to it. The workouts continued to be engaging, and the variety kept me from getting bored. I was also becoming more mindful of my eating habits. At this point, I had lost a total of 18 pounds, and my friends and family began to notice the changes.

Month 4: Month four was a turning point. I hit a plateau, but the Fit Boots program offered tips on how to overcome it. I adjusted my workout intensity and tweaked my diet slightly. The community support was crucial during this time, helping me stay focused and determined. By the end of the month, I broke through the plateau and lost another 6 pounds, totaling 24 pounds lost.


Ready to Jump In?

Get Fit Boots and jumpstart your BEST LIFE EVER!

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Don’t miss out on a heart-pumping workout that’s actually FUN!

Click the button below to order your Fit Boots now!

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1 Year Warranty

On all rebound boots

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