
Your Boots

Your Fit Boots can last for long long years with proper maintenance.

Give love to your Fit Boots

Proper maintenance can ensure your Fit Boots last for many years. Here’s how to keep them in top condition:

Elastic Bands:

  • The elastic bands require regular maintenance and should be replaced after approximately 80 hours of use.
  • Failing to replace them on time can cause excessive pressure on the shells, leading to breakage.


  • Wash your liners periodically in a regular wash cycle.
  • Let the liners dry completely between uses.

General Care: ​

  • Maintain your boots proactively rather than reactively.
  • After each use, wipe them down, spray the inside with a disinfectant, and ensure they are completely dry before the next use.
  • If you wear your boots outdoors, especially in grassy, dirty, or sandy conditions, disassemble them and clean all the parts thoroughly.

Replacement Intervals:

  • Follow the recommended intervals for replacing different parts as specified in the instructions that came with your boots.
  • If your usage is light (e.g., more aerobics or dancing than power jumping or distance running), you might extend the intervals.
  • For heavy use (e.g., running on sand, fully compressing the shells), keep spare parts on hand and replace them more frequently.

Adjusting to New Parts:

  • When you replace any part, including the liners, allow time to adjust.
  • Just like a new car needs a gentle break-in period, so do your new shells or t-springs.
  • Expect a different feel and pay attention to how your body responds as you break in the new parts.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

1 Year Warranty

On all rebound boots

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International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

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